This blog is gonna rot anytime.. T.T
Nobody wanna update, even me oso, sometime lazy wanna do anything to it.. but, Only me cant make any difference la.. nvm, I'll try my best.. =)
KYGT(some ex-HoiJin) had some sort of gathering at leisure mall, with some HELP ppl(some ex-HoiJin)
Me(Songher), Biiang, Disheng, Miow
Yee Hoo, Jun Hao, Wei Yu and two of Jun's HELP frens..
Shu Pin*Highlighted show ex-HoiJin*
We went CC.. =.=" (as usual) lolz.. erm.. de_Dust2 first round, KYGT was the CT, we lost by 1 round, so the close.. haha.. den when changed side, FUYOH!
Songher:"hey guys, its terrorist time!!" hee..
To be frank, we KYGT nvr lose as terrorist in de_Dust2.. hee.. not to boast la.. juz to share.. =)
We won by 10 rounds, if not mistaken.. =D
Went to cs_Assault waliao, we lost lyk.. =.=" speechless* nvr play this map at home.. T.T need to train d.. xD dey won everysides ..
Den went DOTA, lolz.. played so much.. hee.. erm.. we basically own, cos I took first blood, miow got the second kill and i got the third.. lolz.. nvr played lyk tat be4.. haha.. Nola, because the other side dun really noe how to play, they got two "DOTA~~PRONESS~~" swt.. =.=" I got 15 kills!! woohoo.. nvr get this amount in a LAN game be4, even the round we won against chew's fren oso, i got 7 or 8 only.. xD
HELP KYGTNight Stalker Troll Warlord
Bone Fletcher Demon Witch
Skeleton King Keeper of The Light
Lycantrope Sniper
For more info, you can always refer to
SongherYee HooMiowBiiangI wonder if all of them updated on this.. =)
After that, we had a tea break at a stall opposite leisure mall, juz to fill our stomachs la.. haha.. den Went home lo.. T.T
Just feel lyk having more time with them la.. you noe, old frens ma.. the feeling so deep d, summore we're lyk so damn close, once ago.. everything changes..T.T even i feel that, myself changed alot.. I nvr lyk to speak much now, not as much as last time, to my frens... T.T growing more matured? maybe.. hopefully.. =)
Signing Off,