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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Get Tottenham vs Reading game highlights

Get highlights from www.eplscore.com for one of the incredible game of English Premier League season 2007/2008. Tottenham Hotspurs won against Reading with an aggregate of 6-4. Bulgarian striker scored a total of 4 goals sealed Spurs win at White Heart Lane...

By: Mr. Jack Ying

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Strategies and Formations!! xDxD


3 on 3
-team is recommended to hav a barker a sniper and a DBKL xDxD
-the first player to move in the team will be the barker, the second will be the sniper and the last will be the DBKL xD

-Barker -
Break down the enemy defence or better, wipe out the enemy in a shot. Surviving is not important to dis role as explained in the previous post. Barker is also important for setting up double kill triple kill chances to his teammate.High skills is required to perform this xD However in a game lk 3 on 3, chances like tat is hard to make. Basically a gud barker can wipe out the enemy in a move xD

After the barker break down the opponent defence, the sniper will search for double kill triple kill chances. If none, he'll go for jus killing the opponent 1 xD

The last man in the team. Responsible in clearing up the opponent left by its teammate thus the name DBKL. fyi DBKL helps clean the city of KUALA LUMPUR XDXD

4 on 4
a more challengin game therefore more strategy needed xD
-team has few options for formation
1) Barker, barker, sniper, DBKL
2) Barker, sniper, sniper, DBKL

If the team has a gud barker, you can go for the formation stated in (2) to gain maximum points.
However, if the barker is bad, you'll nid two barker in order to make sure the defence of the opponent is broken down for the sniper and DBKL to do their job xD
The role of each position is stated above ^^

5 on 5
one hell of a game you wont noe wat happen all you noe is tat highlighters r flyin around xD

since goin against 5 opponent, be ready for a freakin tough great-wall-like defence xD so barker is vital in this type of hoijin game xD

1) Barker, barker, sniper, sniper, DBKL
2) Barker, sniper, sniper,DBKL/sniper, DBKL

Normally 2 barker is enough to break down the opponent defence. If the barker is gud, then 1 is enough for a team. More players can be sniper or DBKL to gain maximum points xDxD


In order for the defending team to counter attack, the defence must be perfect and not wiped out by the opponent in a single move XD There's a few way of defending.

-This is da most common defence. After the attacking side moves, all the defending team has to do is to arrange all the highlighters together. Make sure all the highlighers are stick to each other and arrange the highlighters in the blind spot of the opponent attacks. A gud GAY/ BROKEBACK/ CHEW defence will cause the barker of the team to perform "team kill" while breakin the defence xD

"T bone" defence
-Strike your highlighter in a way tat it'll form an alphabet "T" with your teammates. This is an advance defence and high skills is required to do so. If success, high chances of opponents attack to deflect off the T defence and JI DUI (commit suicide) xD

Jus simply striking your opponent to a position tat is hard to attack is a form of defence xD Try hit ur opponent's highlighter to a position tat the player will hv 2 use his/her back hand to strike xD However, if dis is not done precisely n perfectly, it'll backfired on u n u hv 2 b ready to pick ur highlighter up from the floor xDxD

Hv fun creating your own formation and strategy ^^

lol =.=

haha unlike da previous post so looooong, i only got 1 word to express about hoijin...GOGOGOSTORMTHEFRONTOMGSOFUNCANTSTOPPLAYINITWALAUYE xDxD well..i doubt any1 other than the MEHSI group is viewing dis blog but fear not..by the time we upload videos and pictures to go with the explanation..we'll b promoting dis blog xDxD well...hoijinis real fun..u can temporary forget bout ur bad day or how bad ur hair looks or how bad ur gf looks or how boring skools is or how much u feel lk throwin a fork at ur boring teacher xD u can jus forget bout all dat n enjoy HOIJIN..once u sit down n place ur highlighter on the arena...GAME ON WORRIES OFF!! xDxD n its a great game to improve friendship though n train ur sarcasm xD wil tok about sarcasm more in the nex post..HOIJIN la MEH SI!!! xD

Sweet Memories Of Origins

This is a post-video, edited by one of the master -Mr.Koh Jun Hao XD (=.=" XD is his favorite)-...which is also, voices from my heart. So, please read on to know me more.

In this great video, he brought every parts of my memories back, no matter we're hoijin-ing, playing, teasing or other things.

But, time has no legs and stop aside for us. Nothing could catch it, or even pause time for a second. Hence, this life is actually a very short term of being a creature who owns life. Who knows? Perhaps you'll die in the next minute?Or perhaps you'll live in this world up to 100++, seeing your grandchildren and their next generations enjoying the song of family?

Consequently, you'll be dead too?Won't you?Won't every human, animal or even plant?

ENJOY YOUR LIFE! ENJOY OUR LIFE! No one could expect when will you meet Jesus in heaven...so,what to be enjoy then?

The faithful followers of HOIJIN-nism

MEHSI GROUP...legacy shall live on forever =)

Rules and Regulations and Skills xD

Rules and Regulations and Skills xD
1) Each player is only allowed to strike his or her highlighter once per turn. No multiple touches is allowed.
2) Don't do 'Suuuuooohai'(stupid) moves like "ji dui" (commit suicide). xD
3) Team kill counts on the first round as well as the rest of the game.

Multiple Kills
Double team kill-Hit your teammates down instead of your enemy and "successful" in bringing yourself down in da process is an unchangeable tragic.

Double kill-In a single move knocking down 2 opponent without bringing yourself down, if unfortunately you bring yourself down, it is no longer consider as double kill..each double kill counts 5 extra points on top of remaining surviving teamates amount.

Triple kill-In a single move knocking down 3 opponent without bringing yourself down, if unfortunately you bring yourself down, it is no longer consider as triple kill..each triple kill counts 10 extra points on top of remaining surviving teamates amount.

Quadraple kill-In a single move knocking down 4 opponent without bringing yourself down, if unfortunately you bring yourself down, it is no longer consider as quadraple kill..each quadraple kill counts 15 extra points on top of remaining surviving teamates amount.

Bark-Strike ur highlighter with all your might just to bring down the most amount of your opponent team. Surviving is not a matter, most of the time used to break down gay defences (refer to defence). "Multiple kills" still apply.

Advantage-Advantage is given when you stop your opponent's highlighters from falling from the arena in any circumstances. Your opponent is not counted eliminated and stil continue in the respective game.

No advantage-If any of a team's members stop their own highlighters from falling from the arena, the respective highlighter is considered eliminated though it may be yet or not to fall off the arena.

Edge of table (Only applies when your opponent team starts and its your first move)-Defensive move. Decreasing your opponent's attacking possibilities by striking their highlighters to the edge of the arena without hitting it off the table. Its best leaving the highlighter hanging on the edge, Where it requires high technique for a shot to be dealt from that particular angle.

So try to perform these skills and earn extra points. Double kill triple kill!! xDxD however, team kill wont earn you any extra points. If u wan to try it out, go ahead!! xDxD HV FUN!!

Latest Update About MehSi Group™

All of us had just "retired" from our high school which is a nation well known high school-SMK Seri Bintang Utara at Malaysia. Bringing our hopes together, we wish to promote this fun + entertaining + good for health + good for hands-eyes coordination + sharpen communicating skills + best to shape personality and character + to nurtune good attitudes game/activity to the world arena, and I as the Leader of the LengZhai team wish to share a good news with the on-communicating friends which is that WE the MehSi Group™ would be registering as a legal association in Malaysia soon!!! Wish the best for the club!!! Thank you for your continuous support and we will keep on improve ourselves to serve the club the best. For the MehSi Group™ members that are going overseas. I hope you the best and strive to the end. Stay Tuned!

Best regards,
Heng Songher aka LengZhai Song aka Mr. All-Rounder

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Specific Terms Used In Match...

There are several specific terms used in a match...These terms are recommended to be used for team understanding...Basically these terms are in cantonese xD so if you are not interested in using ours, create yours too!

Start of a match:

1) Touch your highlighter-----'DIM HA SIN' / '掂吓先'
-Normally used by the starting team. Instead of striking the highlighter forward, the player can choose to just slightly touch the highlighter. This will increase the range and higher chance of striking down your opponent.The opponent will have to think of a way to evade your next move.

2) Place your highlighter in a 'sniper' (straight) mode and BARK-----'FAI' / '吠'
-As explained in the previous post, BARKING is a great way to break down tough opponent defences. Instead of the regular horinzontal mode of the highlighter, the player can choose to place the highlighter in a 'sniper' (straight) mode. This is to increase the force you need to BARK xD

3) Strike your highlighter for the purpose of bringing down your opponent-----'DUI' / '队' or 'HAM' / '含'

In a match:

1) One's highlighter touches another one-----'DIM DOU ZHO' / 掂到左'
2) To discuss or express emotions-----'MEH SI' / '咩事'
3) Strike your highlighter to pass your teammates to your enemy or vice versa in order to claim more kills or maybe a special move xD-----'PASS' or 'Assist'


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Obey Rules and Regulations!!!!!!

this game can be played solo or in a team
1 on 1
2 on 2
3 on 3
4 on 4
5 on 5
6 on 6 (is not recommended coz it'll affect the true joy of the game xD)
Points Counting
game point= 25
number of sets for normal playing= infinity xD
number of sets for official tournament= best of 5

Points Calculation
points is given for each surviving highlighters on the arena. Each highlighter wil gives 1 mark XD
Specific moves will award extra bonus points. (refer skills)

Materials needed
1)HIGHLIGHTER (STABILO to be precise) other pen can be used to replace but da best is to use STABILO highlighter xDxD
2)Table as the arena xD
Game on!! xD

Main objective
1)Strike your highlighter to hit the opponent's highlighter out of the arena xD
Hope to get extra points by performin special skills xDxD

The game starts with each side play a round of "paper scissor stone" to decide who to start. An alternative way of "CHI KU PAK" can be used xD The starting side will be da attacking side.

*No killing is allow in da first round. If killed, the player will "REVIVE" and not abide by the "no first round kill" rule.

The game commence when the player place their highlighter on the arena. Highlighter can be placed in a horizontal or vertical manner depending the team strategy xD Each team wil hv 1 side of the arena. The highlighters must be place on the specific side onli, allign wit ur teammates.

*"More than half" rule
-The highlighter cant be placed more than half of the arena, ur highlighter can onli be placed in ur own half. This is to ensure tat justice is preserve xD

*Touched ('DIM DOU ZHO' / 掂到左') rule
-Normally apply to the defending side. After the starting team moved, the defending team can re-place their highlighter in any way dey wan depending on how to defend against the opponent. However, if the attacking highlighters touch any of the defending highlighters, the 'touched' rule is applied. The 'touched' highlighter can't be re-place anymore during its round. However, this is risky coz if killed, the revive rule is applied and the opponent can get to attack in the first round. High skills is needed by the attacking side in order to force this rule on the opponent xD

This game is turn-based. Each player will hv a turn. Players from da same team wil move in a turn-based manner. After all the players from the team completed their move, the next team will commence their move.

After the first round, killing is allowed. See skills for more details xD

The winning side of each round will start in the next round. This continue until a side gets 25 points. However, this is onli applied if there is any surviving player of the starting side in the arena. If there's none, the opponent will get to start the nex round. So, dun always commit suicide wit your opponent xDxD