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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Specific Terms Used In Match...

There are several specific terms used in a match...These terms are recommended to be used for team understanding...Basically these terms are in cantonese xD so if you are not interested in using ours, create yours too!

Start of a match:

1) Touch your highlighter-----'DIM HA SIN' / '掂吓先'
-Normally used by the starting team. Instead of striking the highlighter forward, the player can choose to just slightly touch the highlighter. This will increase the range and higher chance of striking down your opponent.The opponent will have to think of a way to evade your next move.

2) Place your highlighter in a 'sniper' (straight) mode and BARK-----'FAI' / '吠'
-As explained in the previous post, BARKING is a great way to break down tough opponent defences. Instead of the regular horinzontal mode of the highlighter, the player can choose to place the highlighter in a 'sniper' (straight) mode. This is to increase the force you need to BARK xD

3) Strike your highlighter for the purpose of bringing down your opponent-----'DUI' / '队' or 'HAM' / '含'

In a match:

1) One's highlighter touches another one-----'DIM DOU ZHO' / 掂到左'
2) To discuss or express emotions-----'MEH SI' / '咩事'
3) Strike your highlighter to pass your teammates to your enemy or vice versa in order to claim more kills or maybe a special move xD-----'PASS' or 'Assist'


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